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Book Recommendations

The ABCs of the ADA: Your Early Childhood Program's Guide to the Americans with Disabilities Act

An Activity-based Approach to Early Intervention

Diane Bricker

Building Blocks for Teaching Preschoolers with Special Needs

Susan Sandall, Ilene Schwartz, Hsin-Ying Chou, Eva Horn, Gail Joseph, Joan Lieber, Samuel Odom, Ruth Wolery and Mary Hammeter

CARA's Kit: Creating Adaptations for Routines and Activities

Early Childhood Education (10th Edition)

George S. Morrison

Effective Communication Techniques for Child Care

Mary E. Arnold

Engagement of Every Child in the Preschool Classroom

R. A. McWilliam and Amy M. Casey

Exceptional Children Monograph No. 15: Addressing Young Children's Challenging Behavior

Handbook of Early Childhood Intervention

Jack P. Shonkoff (Editor) and Samuel J. Meisels (Editor)

Prevent Teach Reinforce for Young Children

Glen Dunlap, Kelly Wilson & Phillip Strain and Janice Lee

Teaching the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct: Activity Sourcebook

Stephanie Feeney, Nancy Freeman and Eva Moravcik

Young Exceptional Children Monograph No. 16: Blending Practices for All Children